Photo courtesy of Liz & Dennis
This photograph was taken of Liz Tinneny O'Shea and her husband Dennis in their sailboat as
it passed the World Trade Center towers shortly after they were built. Liz is the daughter of the late Philip Tinneny of Carrigallen, Co. Leitrem, Ireland and New York.
This section of the website was added on September 11, 2002, for the purpose of providing Tinneny
descendants and their spouses who visit our family history site an opportunity
to document where they were, how they learned of the event, their feelings and
or anything else associated with the historically significant events of
9/11/01. Feel free to be as brief or as detailed as you wish.
add your comments please click
here. God Bless the
heroes, the victims and their families and God Bless America.
I am the wife of Hubert
Tinneny and we live in Quivvy, Belturbet, Co. Cavan, Ireland. On 9/11
I was in the town of Cavan with Rich and Lee Tinneny who were doing
some shopping during their visit with us from America. Once they
had completed their shopping, we had intended to go and visit another
cousin, Mary McGarvey, in Red Hills. I went one way to do some
shopping while they separated looking for gifts to bring back home.
I joined up with Rich on the corner of Ashe Street and that is
when he told me about the planes crashing into the Twin Towers. It
took me a few minutes to take in what he had said. We then met up with
Lee. I felt that the world would never be the same again and I
was downhearted.
We headed home to Quivvy - no longer in the mood to visit family.
When we arrived home the phone was ringing from America for Rich
and Lee with a request that they come home as family felt they needed
them on this terrible occasion. Then my niece Susan Lavery
called from Co. Monaghan and my daughter Fidelma called from England
both realizing the sad effect this had on us all and on America.
We watched the telly, nobody in a hurry to eat. Ireland came to
a standstill on that Friday (the 14th) to pray for all who died and to
give courage to the living to do their best to overcome violence. This
year (2002) we are all asked to spend one minute in prayer in memory
of the dead.who died on 9/11. God Bless Family and Friends and
God Bless America.
Susanna Tinneny Quivvy Belturbet Co. Cavan, Ireland
11, 2001. I walked into school at Incarnation of Our Lord in Olney. I am
a teacher there. The slogan of our school, due to the variety of
cultural backgrounds is "Where The World Meets." It was 8:45
a.m.. The television was on in the office. I thought a weird
television show or commercial was on the screen! I saw the word
"LIVE"...but remember thinking...No, no way. I called my
husband Rich on my cell phone, thinking he would confirm my disbelief...this
could not be real. Rich works at Police headquarters in Philadelphia.
It was all real... While on the phone the second jet flew into
Tower Two. Oh my God! It hit my heart and mind that what I was
seeing was real! I felt as if I was going to throw up. Richie said
that he did not know exactly what was happening but that something had blown
up at the Pentagon as well. We ended the call...confused, sad, sick! By 10:30 parents began calling and
arriving at school, to be with, and, to take their children home. I
wanted to be with my four daughters and Richie. I had never felt fear
like this. Our eldest daughter Ashley was in center city Philadelphia.
I had begun hearing that the city had shut down and began to fear that I would
not be able to get to her or get her home safely. I called Richie again.
Police headquarters was on lock down, he is essential personal and would not
be permitted to leave. Rich did not know when he would be home. I
remember crying as I tried to call Ashley. Cell phone transmissions shut
down due to the overwhelming number of calls. I could not get her! I left school and headed for my daughter
Devon's school which is normally eight minutes from my school. En-route
I did get a partial call from our friend Michael Fitzpatrick...he would pick
up our two youngest daughters Annie and Mollie and bring them to our home.
The phone went dead......It took me a half an hour to get to Devon's school.
I remember crying as I drove. I remember looking into the faces of
people in traffic that day....it seememd everyone was crying: men, women
and children. When I got to Devon I remember hugging her. I
remember not wanting to let go. When I got home all four of our daughters
were there. We are the blessed ones and we know it clearly. We
will never forget. Our hearts as a family go out to those who have lost
life itself. It is all such a gift....
here to view photographs.
Marie (Tinneny) Persico, Philadelphia. 9/12/2001
I will begin the story of Sept. 11
with what I was doing Sept. 10.
It was the Monday after Labor Day, and we were enjoying a most beautiful
summer. On only a few days did we break 95 degrees. Otherwise, the season was
magnificent and memorable. However, Monday was humid and the evening brought
rain, hard rain. The sounds of summer innocence remained crickets chirping and
our neighbors' children playing amidst the showers.
It was the first full weekend of preparing my sportsgenius.com football
forecasts, and I was working hard while listening to the Giants-Broncos Monday
Night game through the AM static (I made a vow not to listen to the annoying
Dennis Miller that 2001 NFL season). The broadcast from Denver included former
Giant Dick Lynch on the color commentary. Ironically, his son Richard was one
of those murdered in the World Trade Center North Tower.
I finished my preparation for the coming morning, and watched the end of the
football game, going immediately to bed afterwards. Those were the first hours
of a day we would never forget.
Tuesday morning, Sept. 11 was perfect. The sky was a cloudless crystal blue,
and the air was crisp. Autumn was in the air, and evidence of the previous
day's rain was gone. I'm an early riser every Tuesday during football season,
as I update Paul T. Graham Football League stats and write copy for my
sportsgenius.com game forecasts before my "real" workday begins.
Thus, I was awake with the sun shortly before 6 a.m. Lack of sleep was
overcome by the sheer beauty of the day.
While the world was changing in the skies above, I was writing about games
that never would be played and a reality that never would be ours. At 8:34, 12
minutes before the first plane struck the WTC, my work was complete. I began
the day with a feeling of relief, satisfaction, and anticipation. We were
rolling out a series of new variable portfolios, and our first organizational
meeting was at 1 p.m. It's fun to learn something new.
I was preparing some information and attending to my emails when I heard a
couple of the late arrivals speaking of a plane hitting a tower. This was
about 9 a.m. I didn't know which tower or what type of plane, because I was
half-listening. Then a few moments later I heard about a second plane hitting
a tower probably about 5 minutes later. I was still busy with my work, but a
few minutes late.