Baby Deer
The Tinneny Family History Site

Great grandchildren of Alice Tinneny save baby deer.


Photos Courtesy of Denise Aquilante 

Recently Joe Aquilante, the great-grandson of Alice Tinneny of Greenock, Scotland and Philadelphia, came across 2 orphaned deer whose mother was killed at a turnpike exit near Philadelphia.  His Dad, Tony Aquilante, returned to the site and was able to save one of the newly born deer and brought it home to care for and to raise.  In the above photo Joe’s sister, Denise Aquilante Longua,  is feeding “Rudi”  the baby deer who was obviously named after Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer.

Updated January 21, 2025
Copyright  R. Tinneny,  All Rights Reserved, 2002-2025