Rich Newtownbutler
The Tinneny Family History Site

Rich Tinneny Addresses the Newtownbutler Historical Society

Rich Tinneny delivered a presentation to the Newtownbutler Historical Society in Newtownbutler, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.  He delivered the presentation, at the invitation of the Society, on August 10th in the old courthouse building in the town.  His talk involved a review of the steps that he went through in investigating, researching and developing the Tinneny Family History.  The points covered in the presentation may be found in the program handout here.   More than 25 members attended the session and refreshments and a lively discussion followed. 

There is an ironic twist to the event in that when Rich turned up at the community center to do the presentation he realized that it was the old courthouse in the town.  The very building in which his cousin, John Tinneny of Goladuff, was processed in a court action for his alleged republican activities and sent of to serve several years as an internee aboard the British prison ship The Argenta in May of 1922.  For a photo of John in front of the building then click here.


A photo taken at the end of the evening with Rich and some of the attendees who remained for refreshments.

Some of the attendees during the informal question and answer session after the presentation.

Rich being introduced to the members by Dick Fitzpatrick, an officer in the Society.

Rich standing in front of the courthouse the evening of the presentation - where John Tinneny stood in 1922. Note the entry of the courthouse appears different than in the older photo because the foyer was destroyed by an IRA bomb in the 1970s.

Updated January 21, 2025
Copyright  R. Tinneny,  All Rights Reserved, 2002-2025