“Bella” Griffith, the daughter of Richard and
Elizabeth Tinneny Griffith of Ellwood City,
Pennsylvania, became engaged to Tyler Hendzel on
January 3, 2021. Tyler, without Bella’s knowledge,
asked her father’s permission to marry her in
November and organized a trip for her parents and
best friend from grade school to join Bella and him
in the Carolinas over the Christmas holidays.
that stay they, along with several classmates of
Bella’s from Sherman College of Chiropractic, went
to The Island at Pigeon Forge in Tennessee. It was
there at the Christmas display that Tyler proposed.

As of February 2021 Bella is working
toward a doctorate in chiropractic degree at Sherman
which is
in Spartanburg, South Carolina.
is the granddaughter of
Donald and Elizabeth Bailer Tinneny of Philadelphia, great-granddaughter of
James and Gertrude Spence Tinneny of Philadelphia
and great-great-granddaughter of
Patrick “Yankee
Pat” Tinneny of Goladuff, Newtownbutler, Co.
Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, Greenock, Scotland and
Philadelphia and his wife Margaret Malloy.
courtesy of Izabella Griffith.