Photo: L-R Colonel Matthew A. Leard,
Commander 97th Air Mobility Wing, Terry, and Command
Chief Master Sergeant Randy L. Kay II. USAF
Terrance Murphy
was promoted to Chief Master Sergeant, the highest
non-commissioned officer rank in the United States Air
Force. He is a member of the 97th Operations Support
Squadron at Altus Air Force Base near Altus Oklahoma. He
and 2 other new Chiefs were honored at the 2021 Chief
Recognition Ceremony at the base April 23, 2021. The
rank of Chief Master Sergeant is limited by Congress to
no more than 1% of the Air Force enlisted force.

Photo: Terry and wife Ariana being
announced at the Chief Recognition Ceremony beneath
the raised swords of the honor guard comprised of
senior non-commissioned officers. USAF Photo.

Ariana showing Terry’s Chief
medallion. USAF photo.
Terry is the son of Joseph and Debbie Rodkey Murphy
Jr. of Gloucester City, New Jersey; grandson of
Joseph and Grace Hanley Murphy of Gloucester City;
great-grandson of James and Mary Anne Murray Murphy;
great-great-grandson of Patrick
and Mary Tinneny Murray,
of Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland; 3
x great-grandson of
Tinneny of
Goladuff and 4 x great-grandson of Hugh
Tinneny of