The Tinneny Family History Site

A Final Journey - Above A Sea 0f Clouds.

Michael Sherwood

1965 - 2022

“I’ve Stood Over A Sea of Cloud On Welsh Hills

Mike, the son of George and Lucy Murray Sherwood, was an avid mountain climber. In 2003 he shared a series of photos and commentary in an article on this site.  

He described the wonders and great pleasure he had climbing Snowdonia in the mountains of the Ogwen Valley of Wales. In this extract from that article one can sense Mike’s joy and strong attraction for Snowdonia and the mountains of the Valley. 

Hi Tinneny World :-) Ogwen Valley in North Wales, a beautiful area of Snowdonia I've been visiting for almost twenty years. There's a campsite at the foot of Tryfan, the craggy shark's tooth of a mountain … which makes a perfect base for climbing, walking, and spending lazy days doing nothing much but marveling at the hills or chilling-out with friends (oh, and then there's sheltering from the more typical horrible weather. The hills around the valley are a tight-knit group, all around the 3000 foot mark - and it's amazing as you approach the valley how these complex and dramatic peaks just seem to rear-up out of nowhere.   … I’ve stood over a 'sea of cloud' on Welsh hills. Mike“           

June 19, 2022 Mike past away very unexpectedly. A celebration of his life was held in a service in his hometown of Hartlepool, England which was attended by family, friends and neighbors. Following the service Mike’s nephew John Sherwood suggested that a wonderful way to say Farewell to Mike would be to distribute his ashes on one of his favorite Climbs in Snowdonia, Wales.

Snowdonia in the Ogwen Valley in North Wales.

The evening of September 23rd the group assembled and shared fond memories and stories about Mike and the next day’s journey over dinner. L-R Mike’s nephews Ed and John. His good friend and climbing buddy since their university days Adrian Preater and Mike’s brother Paul.

The 24th turned out to be a beautiful sunny day.

Early in the morning they set off up Snowdonia with Adrian carrying Mike’s ashes, Paul in the lead with Ed and John following.

On reaching what the group found to be a desirable spot for the initial scattering, John, Adrian and Ed discussed who would do the honors and it was decided it would be Ed.

    Ed doing the honors.

After a break and toast to Mike, Adrian and John climbed further up Snowdonia and spread Mike remaining ashes in the wind.

A reflective moment for John taking in the beautiful vista remembering times past. His Uncle  Mike was at rest now in the valley he loved over a sea of clouds.

John and Adrian decided to camp out for the night on Snowdonia, a trip Mike and Adrian had taken many times over the years..



The entire article about the Ogwen Valley and Snowdonia that Mike posted to the Tinneny Family History site can be found at this link.

2. Mikes obituary,eulogy and tributes may be found at this link

Mike was the son of George and Lucy Murray Sherwood, grandson of Patrick and Mary Kathleen Reilly Murray, great-grandson of Patrick and Mary Tinneny Murray of Derrykenny, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh, NI, great-great-grandson of Mary Tinneny of Goladuff, and great-great-great-grandson of Hugh Tinneny of Goladuff. 

Photos courtesy of Lucy Murray Sherwood.

Updated January 21, 2025
Copyright  R. Tinneny,  All Rights Reserved, 2002-2025