Keegan Johnston.

Keegan Johnston son of Peter and Stephanie Johnston
Jr. of Hatfield, Pennsylvania won the first place
trophy in the Inter County Wrestling League
championship competition at Ursinus College Floy
Lewis Bakes - Athletic Center,
Pennsylvania March 4, 2023. Keegan and his brother
Michael have developed their wrestling skills as
members of the North PennYouth Wrestling Program.

Keegan with his 1st Place Trophy.

Keegan and Michael with their
proud parents
after winning
awards at an earlier North Penn Youth Wrestling
meet in February 2023.
Keegan and Michael are the grandchildren of Peter
and Michele Tinneny Johnston of Cherry Hill, New
Jersey, great-grandsons of John and Helen Diamond
Tinneny of Philadelphia, great-great-grandsons of
James and Gertrude Spence Tinneny
of Philadelphia and great-great-great grandsons of
“Yankee Pat” Tinneny
of Goladuff, Newtownbutler, county Fermanagh,
Northern Ireland, greenock, Scotland and
Philadelphia and his wife Margaret McAdam.