Michael “Mickey” Johnston

Michael Johnston, son of Peter and Stephanie Johnston
Jr. of Hatfield, Pennsylvania, won 2nd place out of 307
1st graders in the 12th Annual North Penn
IRONKnightsTriathlon. This is the largest one-day
elementary triathlon in the nation. The event was held
May 18, 2024 at Landsdale, Pennsylvania and involved
running, cycling and swimming. Mickey is a 1st grade
student at the district’s Hatfield Elementary school.

Mickey (Right) with his grandmother Michele Tinneny
Johnston, his parents and his big brother Keegan.
is the grandson of Peter and Michele Tinneny Johnston of
Cherry Hill, New Jersey; great-grandson of John and
Helen Diamond Tinneny of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
great-great-grandson of James
and Gertrude Spence Tinneny of
Philadelphia and great-great-great grandson of Patrick
Tinneny of
Goladuff, Newtownbutler, County Fermanagh, Northern
Ireland, Greenock, Scotland and Philadelphia and his
wife Margaret McAdam.
courtesy of Lisa and Stephanie Johnston.