Kristin & Bruce Tinneny

A baby shower
was held for Kristin Tinneny, the wife of Bruce
Tinneny of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November
23, 2024. The event was planned by Kristin’s
mother Mary Henkel, her mother in law Carol Tinneny, and her sisters Nicole and Mary. It was
held at The Polish Legion of American Veterans, Adam
Kowalski Post #1 in Philadelphia. The new
arrival is expected in January 2025.

Kristin among the many
gifts received at the baby shower. |
Kristin with her mother.
Kristin with her mother in law Carol Tinneny.

Kristin with
her sisters Nicole and Mary.
husband Bruce is the son of Bruce and Carol Webber Tinneny
of Philadelphia; grandson of William Bruce and Dorothera
Kottler Tinneny: great-grandson of James
and Gertrude Spence Tinneny of
Philadelphia and great-great-grandson of Patrick
“Yankee Pat”
Tinneny of
Goladuff, Newtownbutler, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland,
Greenock, Scotland and Philadelphia and his wife Margaret
Photos courtesy of Kristin Tinneny.