After the memorial marker was placed Gerry
Wallace, who knew Pat and Ned from the time he was a boy,
spoke to the assembled attendees. He told of their
patriotism, character and some of the engagements that Pat
and Ned participated in as volunteers in the Irish
Republican Army in support of Ireland's War of Independence.
They were members of the Wattlebridge Company, "A" (Clones)
Battalion, 1st Monaghan Brigade, 5th Northern Division of
Oglaigh na hEireann (Soldiers of Ireland). He also mentioned
the price they paid for that activity for the remainder of
their lives. Part of which was they were on the run from the
British government and not permitted to return to their home
at Goladuff since it was located in Northern Ireland.

Photo L-R: Damian
Johnston, Niall
O Keefe,
John Mcguinness, Eamonn McPhilips.
Following Gerry’s presentation Eamonn
McPhilips, Chairman of The Matt Fitzpatrick 1916 Society
Newtownbutler, addressed the
attendees citing Pat and Ned’s service and that of all the
Irish patriots. He then read
The Proclamation
of the Irish Republic, 24 April 1916.
A video by Avril McGuinness of Gerry Wallace
and Eamonn McPhillips presentations can be viewed
Strong wind that day made the video difficult to hear.
Recommend sound setting be maximized.

Damian Johnston, on
behalf of The
Matt Fitzpatrick 1916 Society
then laid
flowers at the grave
commemorating the service of Pat and Ned with John
McGuinness and Eamonn McPhilips looking on. Damian is a
past chairman of the Society.

The card with the
flowers from The Matt Fitzpatrick 1916 Society Newtownbutler
with the message “Fuair said bás
ar son Saoirse na héireann.”
(They died for Irish Freedom)

Photo: John, Damian and Eamonn paying their respects to
Pat and Ned at the presentation of the flowers.

Photo: The black marble memorial marker and
flowers in memory of Patrick and Edward’s service.

Photo: Attendees at the
ceremony except Avril McGuinness: Left to right: Gerard
Donoghue, Niall O Keefe, Francie McCaul, John James Donoghue,
Eamonn McPhilips, John McGuinness,
Gerry Wallace, Kevin McGuinness,
Denise McGuinness, Martin McGuinness,
Damien Johnson, Oisin Mckeown.
and Edward Tinneny were the sons of of James
and Mary Ann McEntyre of
Goladuff, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland,
grandsons of John and Margaret McAdam Tinneny of Goladuff,
great-grandsons of Hugh Tinneny of Goladuff.and great-great
Grandsons of Thomas Tinneny of Goladuff.
Photos courtesy of Avril McGuinness
and Damian Johnston.