The Tinneny Family History Site

Weekend away - and Lamb Chop goes too!
Adam in his school uniform - with Lamb Chop.
Photo Courtesy of Paul Sherwood

Adam is three and a half years old and started Nursery School in September, his class has a reward scheme where anyone who does well is allowed to take the classes' toy Lamb Chop home for the weekend on condition that Lamb Chop has to accompany them wherever they go and tell the class all about it on their return to school.   That weekend Adam and his sister Sara were visiting their grandparents in Hartlepool.  Adam and Sara are the are great-great-grandchildren  of Mary Tinneny  of Galaduff.

Adam, Lamb Chop & Sara watching the sunrise.

Just fooling around!

"We're just exploring!"

Having a rest while Lamb Chop takes a nap.

Photo's courtesy of Lucy Sherwood

Updated January 21, 2025
Copyright  R. Tinneny,  All Rights Reserved, 2002-2025