Tinneny, Rich’s brother, and his son Dan and his family visited Rich &
Lee Tinneny in South Carolina on their way to Disney World, November,
26-28, 2008. Thanksgiving day Lee cooked a big turkey dinner for the
visitors and sons Pat and Matt and their families. A good day was had by

Photo: Paul Tinneny, his son Dan and his wife Lisa and their boys
Adam and Sean

Photo: Paul, Lee, Rich, Adam, Sean, Danny & Lisa

Photo: Matthew Tinneny and son Chris |

Photo: Patrick & Shirley
Tinneny |

Photo: Grandma T and
Gavin. |

Photo: Alex helping cousin John Patrick play the
keyboard. |

Photos: The Young Tinnenys With GG In Background |
Front Row: Alex and Adam. Back Row:
Gavin, Chris, Sean and John |
Photo: All the Tinnenys except Dan

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