The Tinneny Family History Site

Photo: Kevin and Maureen Tinneny on their decorated front lawn. By  Sharon Gekoski-Kimmel staff photographer, The Philadelphia Inquirer.

December 2008 - Kevin and Maureen Tinneny continue a labor of love began in 1994. In 1993 Maureen's 16 year old nephew, Anthony Perrucci, died after a lengthily illness for which he received treated at  Children's Hospital, Philadelphia. The following Christmas Kevin began an ever expanding tradition. He set up a large number of exterior Christmas decorations and figures to honor the memory of Anthony and to raise funds for the Hemophilia Fund of Children's Hospital. The last 14 years he collected $10,000 in donations for the hospital from visitors to the Christmas display. Kevin is the great grandson of Yankee Pat Tinneny of Goladuff, Newtownbutler, Northern Ireland; Greenock, Scotland and Philadelphia.  A major newspaper article on Kevin’s annual Christmas project can be found by clicking here.

Updated January 21, 2025
Copyright  R. Tinneny,  All Rights Reserved, 2002-2025