Sheila Keegan & Chris Pouncey.
Photo courtesy of Sheila Keegan
Sheila and Chris are nearing the end of a 5 month
journey, part adventure, part charity fund-raiser,
and part re-tracing of old journeys. During
this rugged overland trip they transited many
countries including Croatia, Montenegro, Albania,
Greece and its islands, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon,
Jordan, Iran, Pakistan and India.
They are hoping to raise money for a school for
disadvantaged children in Orissa, India. They are
paying for 100% of their own expenses, but are
inviting friends and family who may be interested in
support their efforts with a donation for the school
to visit
www.orissa.org.uk. There you can learn more
about the school and make an online donation via CAF
(Charity Aid Foundation) direct to the Charity. If
you do decide to donate, please mention "Chris &
Sheila" in the comments box.
To read about this great adventure which has taken
them from their homes in London to the school in
India see their blog at
You'll need this password: cgpsk1 (the last
digit is a figure one).
Sheila is the daughter of Elizabeth
“Betty” Tinneny of Killahurk, Carrigallen, County Leitrem, Ireland and her husband James Keegan.