Photo: Front
row Chris’s little brother Alexander, Chris and his
mother Jennifer. Back row his Dad Matt, grandparents Lee
& Rich Tinneny. Courtesy of
Jennifer Lea.
April 2012, Christopher Tinneny transitioned from Webelo to
Boy Scout at a ceremony conducted at Lake Carolina
Elementary School, Richland County, South Carolina. He
completed the cub and webelo scout programs in one
year. At the ceremony he was presented the hand carved
wooden plaque with the arrow of light symbol, the
neckerchief and number patch of troop 287 the boy scout
troop he transitioned into. Troop 287 meets at Saint John
Neumann Catholic Church in Columbia, South Carolina. Chris
continues a long tradition of Tinnenys in scouting including
his father, his namesake his uncle Chris, his uncle Pat, his
grandfather and his great grandfather John P. Tinneny.
Chris is the
son of Matt and Jennifer Tinneny and the great-great-great
grandson of Patrick “Yankee Pat” Tinneny
of Goladuff,
Newtownbutler, County Fermanagh Northern Ireland, Greenock,
Scotland and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA.