Bronagh Devlin, daughter of James and Clare Devlin
of Belfast, Northern Ireland, was awarded a BSc.
degree in Nursing from the University of Dundee,
Scotland in November 2015. As of 2021, Bronagh was
employed as a nurse in the neurologic unit at the
Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast.
Bronagh is the granddaughter of William and Rose
Brennan Devlin; great-granddaughter of William and
Margaret Murray Devlin Sr.;
great-great-granddaughter of Patrick
and Mary Tinneny Murray of Derrykenny, Newtownbutler, Co.
Fermanagh, Northern Ireland;
great-great-great-granddaughter of Mary
Tinneny of
Goladuff and great-great-great-great-granddaughter
of Hugh
Tinneny of