Ann Price Holmes of Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England
retired from The National Health Service August 10,
2022. Her career spanned 20 years.
She qualified as an Assistant Practitioner in Health and
Social Care at the Elizabeth Gaskell College, Manchester
Metropolitan University. She initially worked as a
practitioner in social care for 2 years on the acute
medical wards at Manchester Royal Infirmary, Teacher
Training Hospital in Manchester. She then
to Lincoln County Hospital in Lincolnshire. There, as an
employee of the National Health Service, she continued
her career as an occupational therapy assistant working
with the therapists assisting patients with their
rehabilitation and recovery.

Ann with her occupational therapy team mates.

The official retirement ceremony took place in the
Occupational Therapy Department where about 25
colleagues, physicians, therapists honored Ann’s years
of service.
Departmental patient scheduling commitments, Covid
precautions and time constraints precluded attendance at
the retirement ceremony by non hospital personnel. To
compensate for that mini celebrations followed with
family, friends and former colleagues throughout the
August 12th Ann and husband Paul met with relatives
during a post retirement celebration trip to Whitby in
Yorkshire. They were joined there by Ann’s sister Marie
and her husband Sean Horgan, Anne’s neice Kate Louise
Beavon and her children and Ann’s nephew Tim Horgan.
Another mini celebration occurred August 27th when Ann
met with former colleagues at the Fenland Hideway
Teahouse in Lincoln for breakfast. They had a wonderful
time catching up and presented Ann with a very special
gift heralding the work she had done throughout her
career and the impact that she had on the lives of so
“May you be proud of
The work you have done,
The person you are,
And The
Difference You Have Made.”
Ann with colleagues she worked with over the years.
Ann is the daughter of Leslie and Bridget Toland
Price; granddaughter of James
and Catherine Murray Toland of
Lurgan, Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland; great
granddaughter of Patrick
and Mary Tinneny Murray of
Derrykenny, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh, Northern
Ireland and great-great- granddaughter of Mary
Tinneny of
Goladuff, Newtownbutler heralding the work she had
done and the impact that she made on the lives of
her patients.